Force Pro USA

Dear Officer

From time to time we will receive e-mails from people who care about the Police Officers who are keeping us safe.  This is one of those. Dear Officer I want you to know that I see you.  I see you choose the booth in the restaurant that allows you to have your back against the wall. I see you walking to your next traffic stop while you hope that it isn’t your last.  I see you pulled over, two hours past your shift, as you finish you reports under a street light. I see you as you direct traffic in the scorching heat, the gusting snow, and the downpour of rain. I see you as you watch mainstream media crucify your character while minimizing your cause.  I see that you are tired. I see that you are frustrated and misunderstood. I see that you are hurting as the world watches you bury your brothers and sisters that died because they were guilty of one thing; wearing a uniform with a badge.  I see you. I see that you are flesh and bones just like me. I see that you are a human being who has a heart that beats for your calling to serve and protect. I see your cause and I want you to know that I appreciate it. Signed…autonomous

How Will You Use Wi-Fi?

In our last blog we discussed the various merits of a stand-alone DVR hidden camera versus a Wi-Fi hidden camera. As we noted in that blog Wi-Fi hidden cameras come with two options for their remote connectivity: peer to peer (referred to as P2P) and peer to internet (referred to as P2I.) Let’s dive a little deeper into these two kind of Wi-Fi connections. For Peer to Peer there is no internet protocol (IP) channeling the data between your hidden camera and the viewing device. The hidden camera itself acts as a Wi-Fi transmitter and sends live video to your phone as long as it’s within range of the camera. On the plus side: Makes setting up the hidden camera easy, just check your smart device to see what the camera sees. No need to access your IP address. No connection over the internet means your video is more secure. Things to consider: • Less remote capability as the video will stream only when your smart phone is in range of the camera. For Peer to Internet the user connects a smart phone to the hidden camera through a router and network SSID. Add the app to as many devices as necessary so that more than one person can monitor the video feed. Users with long term hidden surveillance needs can really benefit from a Peer to Internet connection. On the plus side: Very little limitation to remote access of the data. Easy for more than one person to monitor the hidden camera remotely. Things to consider: Set-up is more complicated as access to the user’s IP settings is necessary. Bandwidth is a consideration as narrow bandwidth, or several devices using the same router, can affect the video’s clarity.

Police Officer – Wet Floor

A police officer called the station on his radio. “I have an interesting case here. An old lady shot her husband for stepping on the floor she just mopped.” “Have you arrested the woman?” —— “Not yet. The floor’s still wet!”  

Police Officers – Most Dangerous Jobs

Police officers have taken on one of the most dangerous jobs in our society Police officers protect citizens from other citizens, and they face the delicate task of balancing the rights of the aggrieved with the rights of the accused. Of course, we could make a blanket change to the laws and tell cops not to make arrests over misdemeanors. But if you own a business, you may quickly find that this means open season for your stock. And we could tell cops not to chase fleeing felons. But if burglars simply have to run from police to escape justice, then there will be a lot of criminals on the loose. Finally, we can tell our police officers never to draw their weapon unless drawn upon. Yet then we would be telling them to put their lives at even greater risk even as they are out there trying to protect ours. Constrain police too much, and remove their ability to exercise good judgment, and the about a dozen cops left willing to do the job will be ineffective — and every criminal will know it.  

Force Protection Video Announces Release of the LE50 HD Bodycam

April 26, 2016 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time Force Protection Video Announces Release of the LE50 HD Bodycam CARY, N.C.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Force Protection Video Equipment (OTC Markets: FPVD) which sells HD body camera systems and accessories for law enforcement announced that it has released the LE50 HD Bodycam. The LE50 is a state of the art designed body camera strategically built around Ambarella chip sets (AMBA). The LE50 key design features are: Industry leading record time (10 hours @1080,12 hours @720) 50 hours of standby time 32GB of internal tamperproof storage White LED illumination Audio announcements GPS recording 30 second pre and post record Integration with VeriPic© Evidence Management Software “The LE50 was developed using current guidelines that Law Enforcement nationwide have written into their requirements for purchase of Bodycams for their officers. Our camera and software via VeriPic® meets and exceeds these requirements. We are also the first company to build into a Body Camera an audio announcement feature. When the camera first starts to record an announcement clearly states: ‘ATTENTION AUDIO AND VIDEO RECORDING HAS STARTED.’ When the cameras recording mode is stopped, it clearly states: ‘ATTENTION AUDIO AND VIDEO RECORDING HAS STOPPED.’ Our studies show when someone is made aware of a recording taking place their attitude and demeanor tend to turn more positive and less aggressive towards police officers,” said Paul Feldman of Force Protection Video Equipment. “The LE50 uses white diode lighting in our design. The reason mainly relies on a safety issue. Cameras that utilize IR lighting can be harmful due the brightness of the IR light and the fact that the human eye does not react to this source of light, there is a high probability of whomever looks at these lights can possible damage or injure their sight.” VeriPic® is a leading supplier of enterprise photo and evidence management software to Law Enforcement Agencies. Military, Medical Institutions and Corporate customers. VeriPic© products handle evidence in thousands of criminal cases throughout the country. VeriPic® is the holder of multiple patents for their evidence management solution software. The Force Protection Video LE10 and LE50 cameras are rugged HD design which incorporates Ambarella (NASDAQ AMBA) made chips that allow cameras and other devices to record high definition video. It is the chip supplier of the popular GoPro® (NASDAQ:GPRO) sports cameras. If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Paul Feldman at FORCE PROTECTION VIDEO EQUIPMENT or email at [email protected]. Contacts Force Protection Video Equipment Paul Feldman, 919-780-7897 [email protected], WWW.FORCEPROVIDEO.COM

Force Protection Video and Veripic Form Strategic Partnership

CARY, NC, April 13, 2016 – Force Protection Video Equipment (OTC Markets: “FPVD”) which sells HD body camera systems and accessories for law enforcement announced that it has entered in an agreement with VeriPic Inc, ( a world leader since 1998 in managing Law Enforcement video, digital photos and digital assets to join forces to market their complementary products.VeriPic is a leading supplier of enterprise photo and evidence management software to Law Enforcement Agencies. Military, Medical Institutions and Corporate customers. VeriPic products handle evidence in thousands of criminal cases throughout the country. VeriPic is the holder of multiple patents for their evidence management solution software.“Our current model Camera the LE10 and the soon to be released LE50 will now be compatible with VeriPic Evidence Management Software” said Force Protection CEO Paul Feldman. “Force Protection has been targeting the smaller police departments (most Police departments in the US are 20 man and under) with the LE10. Now with the introduction of the soon to be released LE50 and the VeriPic Evidence management software and storage will allow Force Protection Video to enter in the larger departments throughout the U.S. our technology is better than the competition.”VeriPic® systems stores digital photos, audio files and digital video files on equipment, completely under agency control. An SQL (Structured Query Language) Database keeps data safe from deletions or unauthorized access. And you can set access permissions on multiple users to allow employees’ access based on a need-to-know basis from one user up to thousands of simultaneous users.The LE10 is a small body worn high definition (HD) camera which is half the size and half the price of most law enforcement cameras currently available. The LE10 is rich with features such as still picture ability 8MP, WIFI, 4x zoom and audio recording. The LE10 is now also compatible with VeriPic video software management.The Force Protection Video LE10 and LE50 cameras are rugged HD design which incorporates Ambarella (NASDAQ AMBA) made chips that allow cameras and other devices to record high definition video. It is the chip supplier of the popular GoPro (NASDAQ:GPRO) sports cameras. # # #If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Paul Feldman at FORCE PROTECTION VIDEO EQUIPMENT or email at INFO@FORCEPROVIDEO.

Police Officer Using LE10 Body Camera

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Force Protection Video Introduces the Citadel C1 Camera System to Address U.S. Graffiti Problems

Force Protection Video Equipment Corp today introduced its latest camera system to Law Enforcement and Security Agencies. The C1, Citadel camera system is designed to combat and deter Graffiti, illegal dumping and other property crimes, the self-contained system is solar powered (the solar power package is eligible for a 30% Federal energy Tax Credit (ITC)) This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: The C1 Citadel can be easily relocated between problem locations. No external power is required. Visit for more information on the C1 Citadel. The C1 is designed to combat one of the major property crimes in the United States, Graffiti. An estimated $12 Billion ( is spent a year on cleaning up graffiti in the United States. The C1 can also deter and notify law enforcement to remote illegal border crossings, illegal dumping and other property crimes such as vandalism, copper thefts, burglaries in warehouse districts and railroad yards. Equipped with cell and text notification, a spotlight for nighttime and a warning speaker, this system is a proven deterrent and an extremely valuable tool for security and law enforcement officers. Paul Feldman, the President and CEO of Force Protection Video, has designed and provided security equipment that has been used at the Olympics Super Bowl, the US Open Golf Championship, US Mints, NATO Headquarters, Military bases and embassies worldwide. Force Protection Video also sells the LE10 on the body police cameras. The LE10 rugged HD design which incorporates Ambarella (NASDAQ AMBA) made chips that allow cameras and other devices to record high definition video. It is the chip supplier of the popular GoPro (NASDAQ:GPRO) sports cameras.

Force Protection Video Receives Multiple Orders for the LE10 on the Body Camera Systems

March 23, 2016 01:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time CARY, N.C.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Force Protection Video Equipment (OTC Markets: “FPVD” ) which sells HD body camera systems and accessories for law enforcement announced that it has received multiple orders for the LE10 camera and accessories. The LE10 on the body camera has been chosen over several other manufactures based on price and accessories. The departments are located in a major ski resort town in New Mexico and police departments located in Louisiana, Texas and North Carolina. Federal and state funding for body-cameras has slowly becoming available, we are currently seeing a rise in purchases for not only our cameras but our accessories which other camera companies do not offer. The LE10 is a small bodyworn high definition (HD) camera which is half the size and half the price ($195.00) of most law enforcement cameras currently available. The LE10 is rich with features such as still picture ability 8MP, WIFI, 4x zoom and audio recording. The LE10 does not require special software or expensive storage contracts. The video files can quickly be downloaded into a standard Law enforcement case file and the micro SD cards are sealed in the provided static evidence bags and then securely stored in the department’s evidence locker. The Force Protection Video LE10 camera is a rugged HD design which incorporates Ambarella (NASDAQ AMBA) made chips that allow cameras and other devices to record high definition video. It is the chip supplier of the popular GoPro (NASDAQ:GPRO) sports cameras. Contacts Force Protection Video Equipment Paul Feldman, [email protected]

Force Protection Video Provides Update from Recent CES 2016 Show

Business Wire CARY, N.C. — January 19, 2016 Force Protection Video Equipment (OTC Markets: FPVD) announced today an update on the recent Consumer Electronic Show (CES) that the Company’s president. Mr. Feldman attended in Las Vegas. The CES show is the largest gathering of video and audio manufacturers in the world. Technology in this sector is rapidly changing and our attendance is a must to keep abreast of latest audio and video trends. The Company is now in negotiations with several audio and video manufacturers to represent their products in the US law Enforcement/security market. The Company is also in discussions with a major sports camera manufacturer to represent it in select markets. If the Company is able to come to agreements with the manufacturers, their product offerings will enhance as well as increase our overall sales and company visibility. While at CES, Mr. Feldman had the opportunity to meet with the design team for the next generation of on-the-body cameras. The LE 50 camera by Force Protection Video is being designed to meet the ever growing demands for an affordable video camera solution for the largest US cities. The LE50 design will use the latest chip by Ambarella (AMBA NASDAQ), and when matched with our Citadel Video Evidence management system will provide a turnkey solution for any department. The LE50 will be released in Q4. To date, sales for the Company’s LE 10 camera systems continue to be steady. The Citadel audio/video management software and storage solution fills another request and need from law enforcement to provide an affordable solution to manage and store audio and video recordings securely on site without long term contracts and excessive storage fees. The Citadel Software is designed so that it can be used also with any departments current body cameras. The Force Protection Video LE50 camera is a rugged HD design which incorporates Ambarella (NASDAQ AMBA) made chips that allow cameras and other devices to record high definition video. It is the chip supplier of the popular GoPro (NASDAQ:GPRO) sports cameras. Paul Feldman has over 30 Years experience providing quality video and audio equipment to Law Enforcement. If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Paul Feldman at FORCE PROTECTION VIDEO EQUIPMENT or email at [email protected]. View source version on Contact: Force Protection Video Equipment Paul Feldman, [email protected] WWW.FORCEPROVIDEO.COM